Lately, I've experienced some elderly issues with the seniors in my life, so I want to share some tips that may help you as well. When dealing with the elderly, it's very important to help them maintain their dignity and feel respected. We're all growing older day by day, so treat the elderly population as you expect to be treated when you reach their age. They're now as delicate and fragile as the petals of a rose and need more TLC than ever before.
First of all, I have a difficult time passing an elderly person who is walking in a public setting such as a parking lot or grocery store. I feel that is disrespectable unless they are standing still or sitting. But I will not pass an older person who is walking. I will, instead, walk up a different aisle if I'm in a bigger hurry than they're able walk.
Keep an eye out for an elderly person in these public locations also. Be cognitive of anything they appear to need help with such as being unable to reach top-shelf items.
When giving a gift to an older person, remove the gift from any packaging and place it in a gift bag. This allows the person with arthritic hands to open their gift by themselves. After all, needing someone to open your heavily taped, oddly packaged gift is not fun; it takes the joy out of receiving a gift. You can keep the packaging to return the item in case they don't like the gift or don't need it.
Allow an older person with memory issues to tell their story even if it's a story you've heard a dozen times in the last couple of months. This is what they can remember, and they feel like they're part of the conversation. And be sincerely interested in the story every time. Ask questions to keep the story going.
Speak pleasantly to the elderly. Don't get aggravated if you have to remind them of the same things over and over again. Think of things to say instead of, "I told you..." Perhaps, "It's easier if we do that this way," or "What do you think about this?"
When explaining something to an elderly person, get down at their level and speak gently. This way, they won't feel like we're "looking down" on them or lording over them and making them feel intimidated or ashamed.
Encourage them when they're trying to overcome or improve an issue they're having such as walking. Tell them how proud you are of their efforts and how brave they are for trying so hard. Congratulate them on their achievements.
Elderly people are human beings with feelings. They have made a huge contribution to society, and they are still valuable. We need to help them feel appreciated and loved.
Thanks for dropping by to read my post today. If you have any questions, feel free to comment, I'll be happy to answer them if I can.
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